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Speaking & Consulting:
Bret Waters is available for certain speaking engagements.
He also does consulting with select startups, including strategy and fundraising. Contact via LinkedIn.
Startup Tools
Here is a collection of free (and nearly-free) tools that every startup founder should know about. Got others you think should be on here? Let me know!
You can download a PDF of a blank Launch Path Canvas, or make a copy of this Google Sheet, and you can see this Fitaco example canvas.
A glossary of startup financing terms, anatomy of a term sheet, and a list of startup fundraising resources.
Underrepresented Founders
Underrepresented startup founders will find these organizations very helpful, with many additional resources:
See an example of the Fitaco competitive landscape.
Here is the economic model for Fitaco, as discussed in the book, and here is one that you can copy for your own startup, with further instructions in Chapter 5.
Here are some great books that every startup founder should read:
Copyright 2024, Bret Waters